Parent Communication
Communication between School and Home
At CEPS we believe that regular communication is most important. There is a weekly newsletter each Friday to keep parents up to date with school events. The newsletter is available through our school website and also through Sentral.
Your child’s development is addressed through formal parent/teacher interviews which are held at the beginning of the year, where you the parent informs the class teacher about your child, and during the year, at which the child’s progress will be discussed.
Written reports are sent home to parents twice a year.
Parents are welcome to discuss any aspect of their child’s education with the teacher, at any time, provided an appointment is made. Teachers too, will contact parents about their children if they think there is a need to do so.
Parents are always welcome at CEPS to chat with the Principal or teachers about school activities.
We use SENTRAL EDUCATION at Cheltenham East Primary School.
To access the Student & Parent Portal go to This will take you to a login screen. Log into the Student & Parent Portal or register if it is your first time. You will also need to enter the Access Key that was provided to you by the school. If you have misplaced or cannot remember your Access key, please contact the Office.
Once registered and logged in you will be able to:
- Give permission for excursions
- Make payments
- View your Child/children’s reports
- Book parent teacher interviews
- Advise of student absences
- Newsletter/Notices
Parent Payment Information
DET Parent Payment Policy available here:
Qkr – Fundraising/Special Food Day Payments
Classroom Cuisine

1 Ordering lunches on line
Log onto and register as a new user. Submit your order and select your child’s grade from the drop down list and pay with your credit card. You can either have two courses or three courses. There are gluten and dairy free options. They deliver before lunch.
2 How it works
Each lunch order consists of either a Two or Three course lunch. There are 30 Options from which to choose within each course selection on each day. Orders are received by our Customer Friendly Website until 8.30am on the morning of the day the order is required.
3 How to register
4 Payment
We post a Menu for the whole term at the beginning of the term so ordering or payment can be for one lunch or as many as a required over the term. (Orders placed in advance can be cancelled and a voucher issued if it comes to pass that a child is sick or has a school activity which means they won’t need the lunch).
School Council
Our School Council, made up of six parent representatives, three staff representatives, two community representatives and the Principal, plays an increasingly important role in the functioning of our school. Their areas of responsibility cover finance, grounds, buildings, policy and 101 other matters that pertain to school administration. School Council meets on average twice each term for a total of 10 meetings per year, generally the third Wednesday of the month. Elections for School Council are held each year in late February/early March. No special experience is required to be a member of School Council, just an interest in your child’s school and the skills to work co-operatively with others to help shape our future. Your support of Council functions is always appreciated.
School Councillors 2024
Executive: Robert Ridgway
President: Hayley Rogers
Vice President: Kelly Applebee
Treasurer: Richard Van der Sprenkle
Secretary: Sue Chase
General Committee Members
Rob McNaught
Jan Robinson
Leisel Ward
Rachel Billington
Amanda Price
Jessica Doedee
Blake Seufert
School Council Meeting Dates
2024 – 7.30pm
1ST TERM Wednesday 21st February & Wednesday 20th March
2ND TERM Wednesday 29th May & Wednesday 26th June
3RD TERM Wednesday 14th August & Wednesday 18th September
4TH TERM Wednesday 23rd October & Wednesday 20th November
Parents’ Committee
The Parents Committee at CEPS meets approximately once a month during school terms. The meetings are friendly, informal and are alternated between day and night meetings, to enable all interested parents (Mums and/or Dads) to become involved. The role of the Parents Committee is wide and varied. They are the group who organise the fundraisers, plan social events for the school community, run the Mothers and Fathers Day Stalls, Discos, for the children, etc. and have a say on school issues, via our School Council representative. Becoming a member of the Parents Committee is a great way to become involved with your child’s school, and to meet other parents, in a relaxed and informal way. The Committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting held in November, with all positions open for nomination each year. New members are always welcome. Apart from fundraising, members help in many areas of the school’s program and activities especially in the areas working directly with the children. Members represent the club on the School Council.
Meeting’s are held in the Staffroom at 7.00pm
Tuesday 1st April, 2025
Monday 5th May, 2025
Tuesday 10th June, 2025
Monday 4th August, 2025
Tuesday 2nd September, 2025
Monday 6th October, 2025
Tuesday 11th November, 2025
Parents Committee upcoming dates for your diary:
Outside Hours School Care
BEFORE CARE HOURS: 7:00 am to 8:45 am.
AFTER CARE HOURS: 3:30 pm to 6:00 p.m.
Our Out of Hours School Care is operated by Team Kids. It aims to provide interesting, stimulating activities in a friendly, caring environment. The children enjoy a number of activities, including cooking, painting, dress-ups, treasure hunts, picnics, Lego, paper maché, face painting and jewellery making on a regular basis. Breakfast is provided at Before Care (cereal, toast, eggs, fruit, croissants, jaffles, crumpets, muffins etc.) and the After Care children are offered afternoon tea (hot savouries, popcorn, fruit, yoghurt, jelly, icy-poles etc).

Outside School Hours Care
We are proud to partner with Team Kids to provide our outside school hours care program.
To find out more about the program at our school, including hours of operation, fees and how to register please click here
How Parents Can Help
At CEPS we recognise that Parents are the first educators of our students and that it is vital that a strong relationship exists between school and home. We endeavour to keep our parent community well informed of what is happening in the school and to involve them in its various activities. All volunteers require a current Working With Children Check which must be sited by administration staff and worn at all times whilst with children.
The Parents’ Committee, Dad’s Army and School Council all provide opportunities to assist in activities to support the school programs as well as being a great place to socialise with the parents of your child’s friends.
In the classroom, parents are invited to participate in class programs through our CHATS program.
Cheltenham East Primary School is very proud of the help that it receives from the parent support group called CHATS (Classroom Help and Teacher Support). For many years prior to the initiative of parent involvement by the State Government, there were many parents assisting in the school. Each year we have seen an expansion in the numbers of parents who are prepared to help in so many different ways. Involvement in the Early Years Reading Program has seen a dramatic increase in the standards that the children are attaining, in many instances, far beyond the benchmarks set by the State. The fact that our children in P-2 read every day is having a great impact on these results.
Our parents help in Science, in the Maths Room, in Learning Centres, in Literacy Groups, in the Library, in the Computer Room, in Sporting activities and in classrooms. The Canteen is always looking for helpers and the PMP program in the Junior School cannot run without your support. Some parents are prepared to cover books, make puppets or to make aids for our Literacy Centres. Research indicates that where parents are involved in their children’s schooling in some way, their children’s performance is enhanced.
At Cheltenham East we value the input that our parents contribute to our programs and we encourage all parents to be involved in some way. Toddlers are always welcome except when helping in the Canteen due to Health Regulations. At the beginning of each year a very special morning tea is held to explain to the parents the areas that they might wish to be involved. We look forward to greeting you on this very special occasion.
Grounds and Maintenance
We are very fortunate at CEPS to be supported by a wonderful group of Parents who comprise our Grounds and maintenance group. This group meet once every couple of months in a social setting where they plan forthcoming projects. Working bees are held in targeted areas around our school which are led by this group of volunteers. Recent works have included building a deck outside our new artroom, an outdoor stage, new garden edging and this year’s huge project, our amazing vegetable garden. New members are always welcome.

Michael Grose | Parenting Ideas
Useful Links
Some websites you may find useful.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).
Treating & Controlling Headlice
DEECD has also developed a website “Connect” which has dedicated sections for early childhood, primary students and secondary students.